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The Cultural Significance of Troisi’s Il Postino - Arthur Tudgey

The themes of Love and poetry are central to Troisi’s film, whilst also emphasising the romance behind Italian culture. Mario’s pursuit of Beatrice strongly represents a common man’s quest for a more profound experience of life, which contrasts with Neruda’s enduring love for his own wife. The different representations of love resonate with audiences, explaining Il Postino’s commercial success within Italy.

Neruda’s influence on Mario encourages him to pursue love, and his poems reflect the human experience, paying homage to the rich tradition of Italian poetry and literature and reinforcing the importance of both love and poetry to an Italian audience. Through Mario’s journey, the film celebrates the beauty of language and the depth of human emotion, represented by the recurring motif of the sea, and leaves a lasting impact on audiences.

Despite Il Postino’s romantic significance, the film is particularly influential due to the tragic nature of Troisi’s passing. Having suffered from rheumatic disease since he was a teenager, Il Postino was a project of passion for Troisi, and so the shocking nature of his death at 41 emphasised his commitment to the film itself and added a layer of emotional depth to his performance. The film was written as an adaptation of the Chilean novel A Burning Patience, and Troisi wrote it within three weeks whilst staying in Santa Monica. Michael Radford, the director, had been told by Troisi that he’d chosen Santa Monica to avoid fans, however Radford understood that Troisi’s trip had a medical motive as well - long before filming, Troisi’s condition was deteriorating yet he was determined to carry on with the film. His determination and passion for the film led as an example to the crew, making his contributions even more moving and significant.


Today, Il Postino remains a significant story as it touches on themes that transcend the historical setting of the film, whilst also addressing human connection. Il Postino blends emotion with larger cultural and political themes, and therefore acts as an inspiration for filmmakers, artists and poets within Italy and throughout the wider world.


